


Call for an Expression of Interest for the Project Češka vila on the Island of Vis, deadline: 21/1/2015

Pursuant to the Decision by the Committee for the Allocation of Properties Owned by the Republic of Croatia on Initiating the Procedure for Implementing the Project in the Češka Vila Hospitality-Tourism Zone in the Town of Vis, on the Island of Vis CLASS: 030-01/14-01/3,  REFNO: 536-0211/01-2014-16 of 13 February 2014 and CLASS: 024-04/14-03/5, REFNO: 536-021/01-2014-5 od 09. September 2014the State Property Management Administration publishes the

Call for an Expression of Interest
for the Submission of a Letter of Intent and a Preliminary Design for Implementing the Project within the Češka vila Hospitality-Tourism Zone on the Island of Vis

The subject of the call is the expression of interest by the submission of a letter of intent for implementing a project to adapt and develop the existing facilities in the hotel-hospitality facility according to a four-star standard and the construction of new facilities to the level established by the Town of Vis Spatial Development Plan in the area of the Češka vila hospitality-tourism zone on the island of Vis, and economic use of constructed hotel-tourism facilities, by submitting a preliminary design for implementing the project including a business plan for a 50-year period.

The preliminary design should propose the preservation of existing facilities of Češka vila* that are adapted for hotel and tourism facilities as well as the construction of new facilities to the prescribed standards and include a total bed capacity determined as by the respective Town of Vis spatial development document.

The subject of the expression of interest is not property encompassed by the Češka vila complex which are maritime domain.

In assessing the acceptability of the submitted preliminary designs, advantage will be given to the preliminary design in which the business plan includes facilities for year-round operation and its public accessibility. The eventual selected preliminary design will be the basis for drawing up the urban development plan for the Češka vila hospitality-tourism zone.


The Češka vila complex comprises land parcels in the ownership of the Republic of Croatia as stated in the cadastral municipality of Vis as follows:
-cadastral parcel no. 5931/63 barren, 16650 m2 recorded in land registry folio 2055, land in the form of a peninsula on which facilities have been constructed: the so-called Češka vila, surface area of 296 m2, three storeys with a concreted yard, single-storey small yard house 24 m2, single-storey facility formerly a prison with an area of 58 m2, a small yard house 16 m2 and a soccer field (concrete base) with an area of 500 m2,

-cadastral parcel no. 5924/1 barren land with an area of 38,806 m2 registered in land registry folio 2446, in nature land – elongated strip along the foreshore where at the centre there is a connected parcel cadastral parcel no. 5931/63 of the Vis cadastral municipality –in the form of a peninsula. On the property there are two facilities built of a previous military purpose and a smaller sacral structure with a cemetery according to which the urban development plan (UPU) defines the forming of a particular parcel and will not be subject of this allocation,

- cadastral parcel no 5315/15 pasture land with an area of 6563 m2 recorded in land registry folio 2942, in nature land that is spatially connected to cadastral parcel no . 5924/1 of the Vis cadastral municipality,

The right to use and adapt the existing Češka vila facilities, and to construct new facilities, will be gained by the potential investor in the following manner:

- Concluding a contract to lease the Češka vila facilities along with the land necessary for use of the respective facilities for a period of up to 50 years,

- Concluding a contract for the right to build on cadastral parcels on which, according to the urban development plan (UPU), there are plans to build new facilities, for a period of up to 50 years,

- Concluding a contract to establish a right of easement on the cadastral parcels on which, according to the urban development plan (UPU), no construction is foreseen, and are located in the area of the Češka vila complex and will complement the complex facilities, for a period of up to 50 years.

The preliminary design for implementing the project, as a basis for drawing up the urban development plan (UPU), should include plans for sections of the respective properties with the associated facilities which are to be retained in the area and converted, and as such, become the subject of the lease, including sections on which the right to build will be established for the purpose of constructing new facilities, and properties with associated facilities, for which a right of easement will be established.

Expressing interest is demonstrated by submitting a letter of intent which must contain:

1.  The company name or the name of the submitter of the letter of intent: specifying basic information on the company (name, headquarters, business activity), details of contact person: name and surname, position in the company, address, phone number and e – mail address, with the following attachments:

1.1. Extract from the register of legal persons, or a copy of an identification document for natural persons (a copy of the identity card or passport)

1.2.  Declaration that the party submitting the letter of intent is not the subject of liquidation proceedings, compulsory administration, bankruptcy or other proceedings that would lead to interruption of business activities, and that it is not insolvent,

1.3. Most recent available unconsolidated and, where available, consolidated financial statements

2. Potential partners in achieving the project: provide basic information about potential partners (name, headquarters, business activity, etc.)

3. Preliminary design for implementing the project in accordance with the guidelines for the drawing up the urban development plan for the Češka vila hospitality-tourism, which is to include:

3.1. Sketches depicting planned accommodation facilities in the area of the zone, including the Češka vila facility and additional facilities within the zone,
3.2. A brief textual description of the planned facilities and amenities within the zone,
3.3  Basic parameters relating to the facilities with the amenities,
3.4  The required number and profile of employees required for managing the project and implementation of the planned amenities,
3.5. A framework investment plan – planned amount of investment,
3.6 Time schedule for implementing the investment,
3.7 Planned deadline for commencement of works,
3.8 Possible investment in the development and /or expansion of infrastructure at the project location,


A letter of intent with an expression of interest can be submitted by domestic and foreign legal and natural persons, in writing and in the Croatian language, with all the attachments in the Croatian language or as a certified translation into the Croatian language, no later than 90 days following the announcement of the Call for Expression of Interest, to be placed in a sealed envelope and addressed to:

The State Office for Administration of Government Property,
Dežmanova 10, 10000 Zagreb,
and clearly labelled subject “ČEŠKA VILA” with the warning “Do Not Open”.
no later than 21. January 2015 at 04:00 PM
Letter of intent with the expression of interest for the project Češka vila may be jointly submitted by two or more interested investors, operating as a consortium (group of investors) or investors who for this purpose, intend to establish a special purpose entity. In such a case, each investor from the group must attach identification documents.

The announcement of this call or the receipt of any letter of intent with an expression of interest does not constitute any obligation towards the Republic of Croatia to conclude a contract for the right to build or contract to establish a right of easement on the property or to conclude a contract to lease the property within the Češka vila tourism-hospitality zones with any interested investor, nor does it constitute a basis for any claim or right by the party submitting the letter of intent to seek the fulfilment of any action by the Republic of Croatia, whatsoever.

The committee for reviewing applications in response to the call for an expression of interest and the monitoring of the ongoing procedure for implementing the project in the Češka vila hospitality-tourism zone retains the right at any time to:

(i) Terminate the procedure initiated by this call or amend conditions thereof,
(ii) Exclude any interested investors from the procedure,
(iii) Not selected any of the received offers, without the obligation to justify such a decision.

Parties submitting a letter of intent with an expression of interest are not entitled to the reimbursement of any costs incurred in connection with compiling the letter of intent, drawing up the preliminary design and the business plan and/or acquiring the submitted documentation.

Parties submitting the letter of intent with an expression of interest that are the subject of liquidation proceedings or are insolvent, or are the subject of compulsory administration, bankruptcy or other similar proceedings that indicate insolvency or a cessation of business activities, shall be excluded from the procedure.

The authorised body of the Republic of Croatia is not obliged to invite interested investors to submit binding offers, nor is it obliged to conclude a contract on the establishment of the right to build, nor to establishment of the right of easement, nor a concession, nor a contract to lease with any of the interested investors. Interested investors will not be entitled to claim damages from the Republic of Croatia, on any grounds whatsoever.

This Call is subject to the laws of the Republic of Croatia.

All information received will be treated in accordance with the statutory regulations to ensure the protection of the rights and privacy of the parties concerned. The information is processed solely for the purpose of determining whether the parties submitting the letters of intent with an expression of interest meet the above requirements for participation in the implementing the project within the Češka vila hospitality-tourism zone.

The committee to review the applications in response to the call for an expression of interest and the monitoring of the ongoing procedure for implementing the project in the Češka vila hospitality-tourism zone may shortlist acceptable preliminary designs accompanied by a business plan, and recommend to the State Office for Administration of Government Property and the Town of Vis the implementation of a procedure to announce a call for the submission of binding offers. A call for the submission of binding offers shall be delivered only to applicants whose preliminary designs the Committee has included in the shortlist of eligible designs based on the response to the previous non-binding call.

The Town of Vis is obliged to draw up the urban development plan for the Češka vila hospitality-tourism zone as a precondition for implementing the project.

Documentation is provided for the purpose of drafting of the preliminary design for implementing the project.
-          Geodetic basis of the Češka Vila Hospitality-Tourism Zone for design purposes at a scale of M=1:200 with a layered plan,
-          Conditions for developing the Češka Vila Tourism Zone in compliance with the Town of Vis Spatial Plan, drawn up in March 2014 by “a+u” atelja za arhitekturu i urbanizam d.o.o., Komiža.

Interested investors may request the stated documentation by e-mail at project.ceskavila@duudi.hr along with presenting proof of payment of the fee for acquiring the documentation amounting to HRK 15,000.00. The stated amount is paid to the State Budget number: IBAN: HR1210010051863000160, model 64, reference number: 9733-47359-OIB (for foreigners the tax number).

This call is published on the website of the State Office for Administration of Government Property, the Croatian Chamber of Economy and in the “Jutarnji list”.
* Existing facilities of the Češka vila complex comprise:
a building with a layout area of 296 m2, three storeys with a concreted yard, a small single-story yard house with an area of 24 m2, a single-storey building of the former prison with an area of 58 m2, a small yard house with an area of 16 m2 and a soccer field (concreted base) with an area of 500 m2 all built on cadastral parcel no. 5315/1,
two buildings, of a formerly military purpose with an area of 615 m2 and 518 m2, built on cadastral parcel no. 5924/1

Autor: DUUDI , 23.10.2014. u 09:25

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